The turn of the screw

The turn of the screw bbc

downloads are SLOWLY starting to kill optical media. i now download everything. our house used to buy 5-10 DVD movies a month. now its down to zero. we used to go to the movies about 3 times a month. we now go none, all because i download it. yea hardly any1 has broadband, especially here is aus. we struggle to even get ADSL2 in more than 10% of the nation if that!. 720p movies are slow because no1 seeds it! im sure if you were doing it legally then it would be downloaded in a flash. meh i have no input on this matter Movies are slow because of connection speeds. You illegally downloading movies is not exactly a prime comparison to a legitimate business model of buying from itunes, amazon, netlifx etc. You defeated your own argument with your we struggle to even get ADSL2 in more than 10% of the nation if that! statement. Until, worldwide, both internet connection speeds and the infrastructure behind the internet are such that they can sustain downloads of that size, in mass, physical media the turn of the screw bbc remain a big seller and cash cow for both music and movie companies. Vinyl has seen over a 15% increase in sales last so much for wanting everything digital and downloaded then eh? On the topic however, I have no idea why Apple, a member of the Blu-Ray consortium have yet to add support to their own products. It is rather illogical to me why they havent added the drives. With the current rumors of new notebooks etc, I cant see them being foolish enough to miss the up and coming holiday period of Christmas by not releasing Blu-Ray capable notebooks. I really want Blu-ray movie playback support in OS X. I think some people miss the point slightly. Its not just about the extra quality that BDs provide though that is nice of course, its the fact that if I buy one I want to be able to play it on my computer without having to the turn of the screw bbc get the dvd!! It doesnt matter if its image constrained because my monitor and/or video card isnt HDCP compliant if its as good as in fact still better than DVD. Saying you dont want a feature because Windows made it all bloated is like saying you dont want a GUI because you dont like Microsofts implementation of it! Have some faith that OS X will deal with this stuff more nicely eh people? At least until we see if it does or not! I think people who think downloads mean Blu-ray will die a quick death need a reality check. The speeds and usage allowances arent there for most people in the western world yet, and are unlikely to be for some time. Yes downloads will one day be the way we get films Im sure, and yes we all know Japan and Sweden and places are fibred up to the hilt, good for them, but even there its not everywhere, and it will need the US and much more of Europe to have an order of speed greater before it even becomes a real competition. Apple wouldnt be just beginning work on BluRay.

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