The english patient part 1 1st

The english patient part 1

1st of February, STUDIO GHIBLI LAUNCHES LUPIN III WEBSITE: Starting today a dedicated website on Lupin III s 1st TV series has been launched by Studio Ghibli. The reason for lauching the website is that the series, made back in the english patient part 1 by people like Miyazaki Hayao, Takahata Isao and Otsuka Yasuo, will receive a limited cinematic release by Ghibli Museum Library from March 14 till April In addition to containing background information on the series story and staff the website also features a trailer. 12th of January, SUZUKI TOSHIO MEETS UP WITH STEVEN SODERBERGH: Last Sunday the latest episode of Suzuki Toshio s own radio talk show Ghibli Asemamire at Tokyo FM brought a special guest. This time it was none other than director Steven Soderbergh who came to Japan to promote his latest film Che featuring Benicio del Toro. Logically, Che, which premiered at last year s Cannes Film Festival, was the subject of their talk. A translator translated Suzukis questions and Soderbergh answered in English. In the 1960s, Guevara was the most respected hero for left-wing minded young people and Suzuki seems to have much interest in him. Suzuki even made a catch copy for Soderbergh s movie without being asked and gave it to Soderbergh. The era without Guevara is an unhappy one. But the era the contemporary time which needs Guevara, is an even more unhappy time. , to which Soderbergh commented, Exactly! I agree! Very much!. Suzuki also brought Soderbergh some gifts, including a 2009 Studio Ghibli Calendar and various US version Studio Ghibli DVDs. He told him Watch it later by all means!! and Soderbergh enthousiastically replied, Absolutely! It s fantastic!. Those who are curious about Suzuki s conversation with Soderbergh can listen to it in English on the podcast version which will be released for download somewhere later during the week. When it is up it can be found here. Next week s Asemamire will continue the on feature Che. Furthermore, would like to remember you about a special article on Gake no ue no Ponyo , Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea and its director of photography Okui Atsushi. Though this time will not release a summary, even those who are unable to read Japanese might want to check it out as it contains some beautiful high resolution Ponyo imagery. Examples include these images of Ponyos father Fujimoto: picture 1 and picture 31st of December 1st of January, HAPPY NEW YEAR: In some places over the world it is still December 31, but in Japan it is already January 1 200 Reason enough for to wish everybody a happy new year! After an unforgettable Ghibli year, what will 2009 bring us? More on the highly awaited new film by Takahata Isao? More on Miyazaki Goro s latest feature? The new Ghibli Museum Short? Either way, there are some good things are coming up. Not long ago had two personal s Peter Lord and one with Pixar s Mark Walsh, so expect more on that soon. To sum things up, below two scans of this years New Year card as sent by Studio Ghibli and Ghibli Museum to its relations. In the style of 2009: the year of the ox. Furthermore, for those interested, below also some of the older Ghibli New Year cards. 30th of December, AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF MIYAZAKI S A TRIP TO TYNEMOUTH AT : It does not take much effort to find out that one of world s most acclaimed animation directors has made interesting comics as well. Having illustrated quite a number of manga, Miyazaki s best known work in this format is of course the seven-volume version of Kaze no Tani no Naushika. That being Miyazaki s only comic that has been released outside of Japan, is now making an effort on making one of Miyazaki s other manga, A Trip to Tynemouth, accessible to the English speaking world. And so a free 25-page digital English translation is now available to everybody. You need to own a copy of the original Japanese version. You will not redistribute it in the english patient part 1 other way. Wanting to stress does not support activities like illegal bootlegs, only those who have purchased the Japanese original ISBN 4-00-024632-1 are able to receive the free 25-page digital English translation. If you do not own a copy of the Japanese version, then just simply purchase one at a shop like or Yesasia. Those who do not have the original will not receive the translation. No exceptions! Furthermore, fully wants to avoid this translation ends up scattered all over the internet. If you want to own a copy of the translation, then you do not only have to have the original, but you will also need to oblige to the fact that you will not redistribute it in any other way. To furthermore prevent it from being redistributed, each copy of the translation will be personified watermarked and will contain a unique password with 256-bit AES encryption. To receive your own personal copy of the English digital translation of Miyazaki s A Trip to Tynemouth manga, just send an e-mail to Next to its subject line being Tynemouth and the e-mail itself containing your name, address and agreement on keeping the translation strictly to yourself only, it will need have a photograph attached of you holding the Japanese original. This might sound silly, but a photo is the best kind of proof you actually purchased a Japanese copy. Note that your photo will not be published and it is a small effort to obtain a free translation.

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