The departed soundtrack sweet dreams

The departed soundtrack sweet dreams

You just dont know what to do. Before you continue on with your pity party, I want to give you a few pointers on learning to love yourself again. First, stop blaming yourself for the breakup. You are singing your should have, could have, would haves. The past is the past, and you can change it, however you can change the present and your future. Except the fact that it is over, have a good cry, and get on with the healing process. Second, youcan be alone without being lonely. Yes, you want to befriend someone new, but feel you are not ready for a new relationship yet. Remember the healing process I mentioned in the previous paragraph? Yes, you need time to heal. You do not want to start a new relationship with anyone until you have given yourself time to get over the hurt from the previous relationship. No one and I mean no one likes to deal with baggage from previous relationships. It is not fair to you or to the person whom you are trying to start a new relationship with. Third, learn to love yourself! How can you even consider loving someone else when you dont even know how to love yourself? Take some me time to get to know yourself inside and out. Get to know your likes and dislikes over again. Look at yourself in the mirror and notice how beautiful/handsome you are! Take a day to pamper yourself, by yourself. Yes, by yourself, I know we like to have those days out with the girls or with the guys, but sometimes you need time to yourself. Sometimes when friends or family thing they are helping, when they are not. They actually can makea bad situation even worse! Lastly, do not get back into a relationship until you feel you are ready too. Yes, you may have a friend that wants to set you up, but dont feel pressured into going out with someone new until you feel that you are ready. The pity party is now over, tell misery that you do not need its company any longer, and get back to living, loving, laughing! Today is the first day of the rest of your life! No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked Copyright 2011 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. All rights reserved. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Posted on April 3, 2011 at 2:00 AM MUMBAI, India AP India hasnt hosted a party like this for 28 years. Many of the revelers who poured onto streets across the country werent even born the last time India lifted the World Cup in 1 In a nation which places cricket in a near religious context, the euphoria after Saturdays six-wicket win over Sri Lanka arose as much from relief as joy. The sound of firecrackers continued through the night in Mumbai, the scene of Indias success, and by 6am on Sunday morning, a few hardy fans were still riding around the city on motorbikes, flags waving behind them, eking every last moment of pleasure out of Indias victory. There was blanket coverage across Indias news channels.

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