The deaths of ian stone trailer

The deaths of ian stone trailer

If youre going to make adjustments to your display to calibrate it for a given unit, you should absolutely be re-calibrating the display when viewing another unit, even of the same model. This is a basic calibration axiom. Thanks for finally posting, it was nice to hear from the guy who wrote the review: Posted on January 20, 2010 7:14 PM Reviews are subjective. If you dont see the value Dont buy the unit. Its that simple. You are the consumer and you have the POWER! Alot of people totally miss this point! To quote Dina from AVRANT Go out and listen to something, because in the end its all about your own personal experience and your own money. Posted on January 20, 2010 10:47 PM I must say Ive been staying away from this particular thread, mostly because I did not do the review nor have I ever listened or viewed any source material from either of the two players in question. Moving on I must say youve hit the nail on the head for me and stated the single most important thing that I think has been missing from the discourse and that is the personal experience and the fact that everyone will have a difference of opinion based on their own experience not to mention system. Im not going take a side on whos right and whos wrong for we can all agree to disagree and thats part of what makes certain aspects of this hobby fun. Its no different with cars, cameras, computers you name it. Choice is the spice of life and this really comes down to choice. Like Ken said if you choose the Oppo, great. If you choose the Lexicon thats good too so long as youre happy. One thing I would like to touch upon it was brought up earlier in a previous post is the question regarding our review format. Before I continue and in the spirit of full disclosure Ive been with Home Theater Review since its inception almost two years ago, prior to that I was with or Audio Video Revolution where I cut my teeth reviewing universal remotes and eventually worked my way up to Managing Editor for both publications. I am proud of this publication and its staff of truly wonderful writers and consider them to be family in many regards so Im letting my bias be known ahead of time. Are we perfect? No. No one is. We are an opinion based review site that we hope can provide insight and speak to the emotional side of the listening or viewing experience of a products to help guide you in your collective journeys towards total system happiness and satisfaction. We are not the end all be all by any means, we are merely a guide. However should we not provide all of the info you require before making your purchase decision there is a wealth of knowledge out there to take you the rest of the way and were cool with that. Like many of you Im sure, I grew up on a steady diet of Stereophile and the like dreaming of one day being able to afford some of the truly awesome gear they covered in their pages. That being said, and please dont take this as a knock or an attack, but I never really paid much attention to the specs or graphs presented in those reviews partially because I was young and didnt much understand them at the time because at the end of the day you dont feel measurements, charts or graphs. You feel the music or you enjoy the movie. You listen with your heart. Yes, technically I know its really your ears but I think we all get the point Im trying to make. Its an emotional response that is triggered by any number of factors all of which are very un-scientific and unique to the listener or viewer. That being said, there are people that would rather look at charts and graphs to decide what makes a product good or bad because there is a theoretical perfect line out there and in some regards I suppose were all chasing it and thats fine, its just not what we do here. We dont crack open cases, or bust out measurement tools or anything like that because its simply not our style. I stand by Kens review as well as behind this publications credibility and reiterate once again that the review posted above was Kens personal opinion of the Lexicon BD-30 player and for him he felt it was a good piece of kit. Now the decision on whether or not you agree with Ken or wish to pay the BD-30s asking price is entirely up to you. I thank you all for listening and for continuing to comment and engage in the conversation. Posted on January 21, 2010 12:23 AM You state that the lexicon has less jitter than the oppo.

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