The bible in the beginning part 2

The bible in the beginning part 2 BLACK, WHITE, ASIAN, HISPANIC, U NAME IT. WE THE PEOPLE WILL SHINE! Im laughing at all the salt in this building. Never debate with an idiot! My People, we cannot get to comfortable. There are still serious issues that we must face and climb. Winning is half the battle. It is literally taking a Black man, to come and clean up the hot damned mess that the white man left for our country and this great man. He has to get it right, because if he the bible in the beginning part 2 thing these white racist and negative MO-FOs going to let them in the White House and take over and Look. Moreover, we have to worry about them trying to assignate him! I am not buying into this madness, but we need to be Took JFK and Bobby Kennedy and they even tried to kill ol stupid azz Ronald Regan, so we have to vigilant, and not get lax or take our eye off the prize. CHANGE IS NOT GOING TO COME EASY! BUT WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER AS ONE NATION!!! illinoi boi is right, this is just the beginning. Now the real work begins. Once we foreclosed on the republicans they let the house go to sht. So now we have a ton of repairs to do with a shrinking budget. Tough job. I would love a crystal ball. But I dont want to take away from the moment. HISTORIC!!! While I find it interesting to see a black president. I do not like to see people post that it is was Gods will for any man to get elected into office when the Bible clearly shows that we are not to put trust in man. The scriptures also say that by means of Gods Kingdom. he is going to do away with all man made governments because they are not the the bible in the beginning part 2 to our problems. Be happy for him is up to you. but it is not Gods will to put any man into office. This is Satans world and his system.

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