The beastmaster There was a problem submitting your report

The beastmaster There was a problem submitting your report. Please try again later. If corporations and the rich paid taxes that would be due without loop holes this country would not be in the terrible financial condition it is in today. Why is this inappropriate? Your report has been submitted to Customer Service. Thank you. There was a problem submitting your report. Please try again later. Dear Lord, is every one this stupid! These people are not cheating they are using the loopholes built for them by their Repug lackeys. In the 80s it was so bad Reagan pushed through against Repug Party wishes tax code revisions that closed the loopholes and the Corporate tax rate was then 30%, now the Corporate tax rate is 6%, yes that is right in 20 years the Repugs have instituted so many tax that the Corporate Tax rate has dropped 24%. GE, just the American part of the Conglomerate, paid 0 in taxes on 5 Billion in pure profit, NewsCorp in the last two years averaging 9 Billion in pure profit paid 0 in taxes and the list goes on and on and on. Part of the problem other than loopholes and tax cuts etc is just like this year the Repugs continually defund and destaff the IRS, the GE tax form for 2010 was 24, 000 pages prepared by 1, 000 full time tax accountants and tax lawyers, you can bet NewsCorp and others do the same. The other 98% of Americans who can not afford the accountants and lawyers have an average tax rate of 35%! The fact is they are not cheating, they can just afford to buy enough Politicians, mostly REpugs, to write the the beastmaster so that they do not have to pay any or damn few taxes. The problem is hardly due to offshore accounts and dodges it is due to the fact that their money has been legally exempt from taxation by those that they own in the US Congress. Why is this inappropriate? Your report has been submitted to Customer Service. Thank you. There was a problem submitting your report. Please try again later. SEE WHAT BEING A BUM IN CANADA DOES? THE BOOT TO OFF THE PRESS. Why is this inappropriate? Your report has been submitted to Customer Service. Thank you. There the beastmaster a problem submitting your report. Please try again later. Part of the the beastmaster is that the taxes have been run to excess by the excessive government. Trim government back and lower the tax rates, so theyre not a darn gouge! We could start by repealing ObummerCare and other trash like DOMA, DMCA, DADT, USA-PATRIOT act, RealID act, NAFTA, GATT, all gun control, and the rest of the trash the government has botched since 21st January 1993! Why is this inappropriate? Your report has been submitted to Customer Service. Thank you. There was a problem submitting your report. Please try again later. For 15 years, when I was young, we had a cottage where we spent week-ends for 6 months out of the year. Ill never forget my mother telling me, that she works all week at home, and then she has to clean the cottage on week-ends. I suspect the same is true of a vacation cottage, until the rest of the family helps with the housework and cooking. Why is this inappropriate? Your report has been submitted to Customer Service. Thank you. There was a problem submitting your report. Please try again later. To Fred Krohn: I get it! Youre kidding, right? Its a joke! Yourre playing the devils advocate! Could I be wrong God forbid, and you are serious? It appears you have your years confused. The problem years started in 20 Its, you and your people are very befuddled.

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