Starring donald chef donald Both are lacking dearly

Starring donald chef donald

Both are lacking dearly. Both my internal mic and ear piece suck. What I mean by this is that when I talk on the phone, record memos, record videos or leave voice messages to myself. The quality sucks. This may be HTC hardware at fault or software, But the nexus one and all my other past phones are WAY above this quality audio wise. The earpiece is too quiet and sounds distorted. Maybe OTA can fix starring donald chef donald as well. This phone does SO much well. and Android is to thank for this. I love Sense interface and I love the style and design of this phone. But those things keep me from keeping it for now. but This is my 5th replacement phone and new incredibles wont be shipped for another few weeks after my 30 day point is up. I am returning this phone and using a 8 year old LG for pure voice calls/text till the new Incredible ship and HTC updates them OTA to fix the battery/call quality. Or Ill wait for the Motorola shadow to come out and buy that. Both have android 1 and I wouldnt chose anything else. The incredible is a great phone but falls short of being what I expected. Android OS however is amazing. When I returned my Inc the Verizon lady said that they have been getting a lot of them back. She also said that they would be getting a better Android handset in a few months, Im thinking she means the Moto Shadow. She went on to say most of the phones are coming back for battery issues. The battery didnt bother me much it was the poor call quality and signal that was the deal breaker for me. Overall I think the Inc is a very good handset. is my 4th smart phone and 8th phone in the last 10 years. I dont think technology has caught up to your needs, wants or desires yet. this is my 4th smart phone and 8th phone in the last 10 years. a good camera capable of 3 MP or more let me say after 28 days i LOVE android completely and totally, my phone next and future will be android only. I love the O/S I do not however like my hardware starring donald chef donald on. lasts a day with Auto brightness, ALL SYNCs OFF. 3G on. 150 texts, no calls. 30 mins of internet. 45 minutes of padnora streaming. No camera or GPS or Wifi ALL OFF I know I can get a bigger battery but I am sorely disappointed with battery life. Maybe a Future OTA will fix this. I have tried all fixs I also think having to unplug the plug and turn it off every night to fully charge the battery because the hardware/software wont fully charge it correctly sucks.

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