Sivaji the boss songs Jerry

Sivaji the boss songs

Jerry talks about keeping the discussion positive and lively, yet he shows a complete lack of respect for anyone here who has asked a tough question by glossing over it or trying to divert the discussion with irrelevant analogies and fluff. Dont whine about discussions turned sour when you not you personally Aaron, but you Jerry dont have the basic respect to answer reasonable, applicable questions that are raised in the course of the conversation. Even if Jerry told us that hes in contact with Lexicon and attempting to find out what makes the BD-30 special/different as opposed to the BDP-83SE, at least it would show that he cares enough to find more information for his readers when its lacking. That is, if he thinks hes in the business of pushing out product-related information that pertinent to the end-user. Posted on January 20, 2010 3:53 PM Respectfully, I cant keep up with the pace of comments on this story. I am VERY GLAD that the comments are from REAL USERS not people trying to hijack the credibility of Peter Tribeman from Atlantic and Outlaw and formerly NAD and beyond. Ken Taraszka is going to comment a little more on the topic very soon. I hope you find this useful. Has everyone seen the Blu-ray 0 story? Its the lead for this weeks email. Its pretty meaningful to the future of audiophile formats and written by a TRUE INSIDER Garry Margolis. Posted on January 20, 2010 3:53 PM You, Ken, and Lexicon state that there are differences between the BD-30 and BDP-83SE that result in superior performance from the BD – What are those differences? Well start with that one so you dont get lost amidst a high pace of rapid fire questions. Posted on January 20, 2010 3:57 PM Some people pay for the extra goodies. How many of the reviewers at Stereophile and or have AV preamps like the Anthem D2v, Meridian 861v4, Krell Evolution 707 and Classe SSP-800? Ken has owned them all. He has done nearly 12 HD disc player reviews in his career. Is it possible that other surround sound editors got their player in 2009? Is it possible that other publications only took photos of the player without careful listening? Isnt the end result what matters even if we are discecting the Nth degree of performance at TREMENDOUS price differences? Posted on January 20, 2010 4:01 PM Ken is going to answer your questions hog as HE did the review not me. i have never played with a Lexicon other than at CEDIA in passing. The transport on the Lexicon is more quiet which is something that both Brian Kahn and Ken have commented on re: the Oppo. The build quality of the Lexicon is better. Better chassis. Less jitter. Less noise as I have been taught. I am not an EE. The Lexicon passes THXs VERY TOUGH certification. Oppo hasnt but likely would. The Lexicon and Oppp are sold to COMPLETELY different distribution channels. Oppo is an OEM unit and sold direct. The Lexicon is sold to brick and mortar and custom installers. Both are HIGHLY successful. Question for you Hog what Horse do you have in the race? If you think the Oppo is a better value why not buy it? I did sivaji the boss songs ken has it for review sivaji the boss songs will send it back NuForce mods.

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