Shi gan trailer

Shi gan trailer english

kattdaddy2 b!tch n!gga you done brought the n!gga back out of me and ive been pretty civil the last couple of just talking that way because you in engaged to a white man b!tch n!gga 9201 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago Im here 9201 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago Im here Wompwomp Wow arent you the same one who made it your business to steal my pics from myspace and now you have the nerve to call somebody out HOE PLEASE! The real question of the day is what did you get out of it I will answer that for you!Absolutely nada! I appreciate the fact that you were waiting on to your ancestors and my ancestors. I wasnt going to engage in anymore negativity with anyone on this topic, however, once I signed on this mirning, and read this comment by showtime 629, I could not contain myself. Whoever you are, your best bet is to CONTINUE to hide behind this forum, because for that comment, I would gladly kick your into the next YOU AND YOUR ANCESTORS, ho! You know damn well that EXPLETIVE was uncalled for, but you can hide behind the computer, and that makes you safe, because you can bet your funky white ass that if you tried this EXPLETIVE in person, you would get stomped in the damn ground. Dont get it twisted and think that because my people are trying to enjoy this celebration, and better ourselves that we wont administer a good old fashioned is black, he is our President, and if you dont like it, kill DOWN, YOU AND YOUR ANCESTORS!!! OBAMA FOR YO NO MO !! I LOVE BARACK OBAMA, IM HAPPY HE IS OUR NEW PREZ. AND MY DREAM WAS TO SEE THOSE TWO LIL GIRLS PLAYIN THE WHITE HOUSE YARD!!! OKAYYYY!!!! THIS WILL BRING CHANGE IN A POSITIVE WAY TO ALL BEEN APPOINTED THE LUV !! HEY FAM!!!!! WHAT IT IT WON MY BIFFYS!! SPOON WHERE YOU AT BIRTHDAYS IS ALMOST 17!! WATCH OUT NOW! I am The QUEEN OF MY DYNASTY! LMFAO who gives a SHT my PRESIDENT IS BLACK swallow THAT SHYT bitches!!! HUSH UP HOME NOW!!!!! OPRAH FROM COLOR PURPLE GWONE BE NO TWALKN DOWN ABOUT WHAF HE GWON DO FOR AMRCA HIM GWONE DO HIM MOFO LIKE DE RESST DA MOFO S DAT SAT DEY ASSHES IN DER AINT DO WHAT EFA HIM BEEZ FYYYNE WITS BEEZ NO WARSE THAN DEM GOOD OLE BOYSSH FROM DOING IN FEELZH MEE! SOFIA HOME !! I am The QUEEN OF MY DYNASTY! ALL OF YALL ARE NUTTY MOTHAFUCKAS! HISTORY has been made in America. Well done Obama. , America is proud!! The world over is proud!! You have brought race, class, creed, together. What an achievement!! Get CASh back when you Shop. Refer you make Money to infinity. Gap, Nike, more /quick I refuse to buy into the negativity! First I am white and I voted for Obama, not because he was black but because he was the man for the we stop with the color is is black and mom is white so who cares. I voted for him because is about change and seems like he is for the people. I just everyone gives him time to change. I shi gan trailer english there are alot of people pissed he won but screw really did it to us. I hope we see a woman as prez 08 tch you the Fck is you talking to??? dont bring me in this Sht cuz you will get sliced the fck up!! best where the he did you come from?? like you came outta you was reading both of my COMMENTS THEN YOU WOULDA NEVER HAD NOTHING TO FOR OBAMA YOU STUPID A BTCH!!!! YOU CAN TALK TO HILITE OR WHOEVER THE DUDE NAME YOU AINT GONE TALK TO ME LIKE GOT THE GAME ALL FCKED IM MIXED WIFT BLACKGUYANESE AND WHITEITALIAN AND IM JUST LIKEE TECHNICALLY PPL CONSIDER ME DONT GET THE SHT TWISTED YOU DUMB IM MAKE SURE U DONT REFER TO ME NO BOUT YA BUISNESS!!! OBAMA HOE. cutenkinky, You need to get you about 5 gallons of water because youre saltier than the average EXPLETIVE ! Its funny that you SAY you arent black, african american, negro and whatever else you said because in your picture you look like a nappy ass head EXPLETIVE ! Its funny, when people are white, they want to be black, when theyre black they want to be white, be proud of who you are. I would expect a EXPLETIVE yourself from a salty ass want to be EXPLETIVE. Like it or not Obama won and he won by a land slide, so your one vote didnt make a damn difference. How are you going to say your pocketbook will continue to get tighter, how can you account for what someone has? Of course anything to say negative you will say. I agree with fire4u, shes trying to say the opposite of what everyone else is saying and seeking attention. MTO needs to run an election so she can run and become President or VP of MTO and see how good of a job she can do in running anything! You would not like it if I were president of MTO. A lot of this bullshyt would go out of the window. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE A BLACK man is going to the White House and hes taking a BLACK woman with him! Damn! Obama is breaking all the rules! Luvs it! Black, successful, shi gan trailer english has a sista who actually looks like a sista on his arm! Wompwomp Wow arent you the same one who made it your business to steal my pics from myspace and now you have the nerve to call somebody out HOE PLEASE! The real question of the day is what did you get out of it I will answer that for you!Absolutely nada! It wasnt me that stole your pics off of Myspace. And plus, your situation is different. This bytch stole that girl pics PRETENDING to be her. Do you now see the difference between this and your situation? Do people read CAREFULLY now-a-days? whether it make sense or not. Just because of what happened to you. But you dont see me crying about it. I dont have internet feelings! And what I can 10 times worst. Its like you want me to be the person that stole your pics off your page? Why is that, to justify your little action? but I surely wasnt the only one that didnt like know that.

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