Rambo 4 part 1 trke Its not

Rambo 4 part 1 trke

Its not worth it to pay 30-40 for just the movie with no special bonuses or anything. The dollar to entertainment ratio is out of line. Once you cross the 25, you are in gaming games movies when it comes to entertainment value. Have to agree here. Ive had a PS3 since shortly after release March or so of 07 and I didnt buy my first BR movies until a couple months ago when Target had buy 1 get one free for Since then Ive been watching BB/CC/Target ads for a deal that good and have yet to rambo 4 part 1 trke it. I wasnt first on the DVD bandwagon, I got my first player for my PC in 99 when I was in college. DVD really took off in 2000/2001 when players were on sale for like 50 in the holiday season, and I expect pretty much the same from BR. My thoughts are ideal price point for BR players about 150 and discs about 20, then youll see some sales. when families are having trouble keeping their homes, skyrocketing gas prices, high food, I am sorry but HD just isnt important BLU-RAY IS A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE! Just a Maybe if hd-dvd won with their 100 dollar players people would be more willing to switch. No one is going to spend 200 dollars and higher for something they arent even sure will stick around. Maybe its also the enormous rambo 4 part 1 trke costs of a blue ray player? Maybe its because Movie Studios were dumb enough to dump HD-DVD for something more expensive for the consumers? Bottom line own a PS3, I want my Matrix Trilogy and Gladiator on Blue Ray please. you do know that all of playstations games are on blueray. not just movies but games, and thats not even includeing if sony goes the way of the digital download. people are ready for blueray and a new next generation of video gameing: sonys got us covered There is no recession or depression, it is a period of slowed growth, but it is still growth. In the time that the current president has been in office, there has been 3 quarters of negative growth: 1: when Clinton was leaving office and Bush taking over, Clinton screwed with short term financials in his last few days Recession: multiple quarters typically 3 or more of zero or negative growth. Do you realize we have been at a near-zero growth for a long time. Not sure why you are trying to claim its nothing but media blasting, the economy is is the drains. So you can keep trying to think media is simply fooling the people, but our market is in a rut. The numbers I posted simply represent Real GDP from the government. Part of the problem is that prices on Blu-ray bumped when HD-DVD dropped out. Anybody watching the market is probably aware of that. When the war was still raging, I got this player at Frys for 300: And theres also the fact that only 25% of US households have an HDTV. So, right off the bat, Blu-ray only has one quarter of the possible market that DVD had when it came out and was playable on any TV. Im waiting on the BR50 from Samsung. I figure why buy a spec 0 or 1 player when 0 are just around the corner. To top it off, the spec on the BD50 from Samsung has an impressive features list compared to other stand alone BR players. The BD50 is not Samsung. Its Panasonic. Right, my bad lol.

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