Notorious Theres plenty of


Theres plenty of other places around the world where a hundred-megabit full-duplex drop for 20 or the equivalent per month is commonplace. True, but 71% of people in the world do not have access to the Internet currently. Its far lower than in 2000, of course, but thats everywhere. If only 29% of the world has Internet access, how many of those people have a fast enough connection for watching movies? If you dont have internet access, you probably dont have a 40 1080p LCD in your house either. If youre watching on a 480i SD tube television not a late model tube that did 720p, youre not going to see a difference between SVCD, Xvid or DVD, never mind Blu-Ray. I think the rest of the world in that comment was implicitly restricted to 1st world countries with comparable levels of development. In which case, the answer is yes and no. From what I can tell Asia and Scandinavia have us beat hands-down, but I know first-hand that internet quality in France and in several other western European nations is nothing to write home about. One part of the problem is rapacious rent-seeking by network companies in the USA, but the thing thats almost never mentioned is the sheer size of the USA prevents the kind of consistent, saturation high-speed you see in places like Korea. Were many times the size of the countries with great access and much less densely populated. Blame Comcast, but also blame postwar suburban sprawl. Ahh, but my friend, are these same places not often behind enough in technology that this discussion is void? It would seem to me that the people sans internet are often the same people sans computers, and perhaps are even still using magnetic-style media devices! While the desire to have internet access is almost unanimous, not everyone has the money to pay for it. The internet, no matter how hard they try to make it, will not go the route of phones. Eventually, everyone will have broadband access at a very affordable cost. In many countries the main telephone/internet company is partially owned by the state. In some countries they are slowly trying to make internet something everyone has Finland, Japan, Korea. When it is shown how much cheaper it will be to pay that little cost through the taxes more countries will buy into it internet provided by the state. Internet is a right. Im with you on the memory card idea, Ive said it for the past 12 months. But I feel that jump drives will be more relevant than SD cards. Not every piece of equipment has an SD card reader, but there are even more pieces of equipment on the market even non-computer based equipment that have USB plugs already. Biggest roadblock to overcome is the price of the flash memory drives for both SD and USB devices. Either way, I feel more confident about maintaining a USB/SD drive then a stupid CD/DVD disc. I used to ruin them on a regular basis and Im glad I havent touched a CD in years, on the verge of no DVD for a year before long. you will download your movie ahead of time. way easier than going to the store to pick up something that had be manufactured, packaged, and shipped. why would you not be online? its like saying, if i dont have electric service at my house, how will i watch the tv? Back in the day internet was a luxury, but more and more, it has become indispensable. I have Netflix and dont use it for streaming at all, but have instead been using it to rip DVDs at a rate of about 9 a week for quite a while now. I now have about 1200 high quality movies stored on my computer which take up approx. 8TB of storage. Even if I had no internet Id still be able to watch these movies on my big screen TV without having to use any kind of optical disc. You can buy a 2TB external HD shipped from Amazon for 99, so if people really want an alternative to optical discs and streaming, there definitely is one. Buy a PS3 and two of those HDs and for 500 you could have close to 3000 movies sitting on the shelf next to your TV while taking up about as much space as a VCR used to. True but youre thinking just along the lines of movies and tv shows. If these discs could hold up to 1TB-6TB of data, it would be a cheap way to have a complete and multiple backupsif so you wish of literally all your data on one disc. These disks are planned to be released in 20 If you really think that your complete data will fit on one of those disks, try to remember how large your hard drive was in 200 In this year, I needed about 50GB. Today, its around 2TB. I can only speak for my self, but for about the last 4 years I have only added like 50 Gigabytes to my hard drive per year, at this rate Im going to fill out my 500 Gigabyte hard disk in about 10 year. For some people the amount of space there is really should be enough for a long time. 1 TB of data is A LOT of information. Its not like TV shows are going to take up more space in the future, your not going to have more than 15 Gigs for a TV show, maybe more if its blue ray. What about games? There are games out already that are 40gb in size.

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