Mad love bloopers The level of

Mad love bloopers

The level of compression and/or bit rate that was used to encode the video. When DVD was released the only TV sets were all SD with a mad love bloopers of 640×480 480i. Everything was encoded knowing it would be converted by the players from Digital to Analog and that 480i was the max. resolution. Cheaper DVDs where the movie is on a DVD5 not a DVD9 means that the movies are more compressed. As ALL video compression is not lossless you cannot regain that quality. On my setup I can see the compression artifacts on every DVD I watch when played on the Toshiba DVD player composite and the PS3 or XBox 360 HDMI. When you take 640×480 16×9 Anamorphic Digital and try to convert that to 1280×720 or 1920×1080 both non-anamorphic resolutions with high compression, tons of lost data, outdated inefficient codecs and it will never ever be the same or even close to the same. Thanks to artifact blurring and other so called up-conversion techniques it is less visually annoying than it used to be. For me I can count the hairs on actors heads or the pits on their faces in HD, something I cannot do with DVD. No to mention the fact I have seen things I missed that were blurred on DVDs. At the end of the day it is not about what is better or worse, we all know you cannot take dog crap and turn it into a gold brick. It is all about individual perceptions and what is best for the person. If he/she is happy with the up-converted DVD mad love bloopers thats just fine. As far as more people to stop buying protest goes thats harder. Most people get up in the morning drink the coffee and drive to work. If they hit a pothole in the road they get mad for a few minutes and say how they hate the city that dont take care of the roads. Before they even get to work they forgot all about that pothole. It is usually when the pothole does damage to their car that they complain to the city. Placated with we will fix that when we have money, they return to their daily grind. The point being 9% of people will accept whatever is thrown at them until it reaches a point that it has a drastic impact on their lives, or more importantly, their bank account. People accept commercials as they have been there for so long, just like that pothole probably has. As a person who teaches and assists people in moving away from DVD/BD to Digital Files, I find most people fear this change or are pre-programmed to simply accept what they are told BackupFormat Shifting Illegal Bad it is hard to convince them to adapt to new thought processes and/or to new technologies. As far as the IP industry goes it is akin to you earning 200, 000 a year and then someone saying they are going to switch you to a new way of figuring your salary but they cannot prove exactly how much you are going to earn. Would you simply say sure move me over to that way of getting paid now please! Thats the way the see it from on high! We need to be assured of this before we move forward. It is not as much about being greedy as it is what they are used to. Since the economy went sideways many people used to earning hundreds of thousands per year are now having to get used to earning 10% or less of that a year. Ask anyone who has experienced that it is not easy to scale back or change the things you are used to. More importantly their whole business model is clunky and wasteful. It is certainly not easy to have to change the entire business model, especially when it is easier to lobby to retain that model and that lifestyle. The Internet has fundamentally altered everyones lives and upset many business models. We are still in mad love bloopers early days of the changes, rest assured there are many more to come. In this age we dont need TV Networks, Record Labels, Newspapers or most of the old informationentertainment business models. All these models are based around a central necessity, the fact they were the only source. But now Studios can stream movies and TV shows direct to peoples homes, no middlemen needed. No bloodsucking networks, aggregators or cable companies required. They all know this. They are fighting for their very relevance in the new age of information consumption. They will lose in the end as obsolescence approaches them.

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