Les anges exterminateurs part 1

Les anges exterminateurs part 1

I earned my right to speak my mind long before most of you jumped on the bandwagon. Now that you have been thrown a bone and have been offered hope in the form of a Black President you all of a sudden want to act like you are interested in politics? To that I say, N!GGER PLEASE! LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE Ive been lookin for that trick boom boom since yesterday and shes no where to be found, she talked so much trash, her azz needs to be in hiding Hey awardwinner, i think she has been on here. she may have changed her name. read the comments from might be her silly azz. http://www. youtube. com/watch?vsDGOMY4gNVQ LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, or Indian, if you have a drop of black blood running thru ya veins you are BLACK Our president is BLACK I see alot of technical comments about his if these were slavery days obama wouldnt be chillin on the porch, Hed be in the fields with the rest of Second I am sssooo disgusted with people doubting Obamas ability to be president when, he hasnt even gotten into office officially yet however the gas prices are goin way Coincidence?? I think Bush wasnt running this country right at all and instead of talkin about this country progressing, people are basing Obamas ability off of whats already taking place, So if ya scared of recession, depressions, wars, goin bankrupt because of the next MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY, stop complainin!! If you cant help the country progress then move, shut up do sumpthin other than It is what it Obama is here and hes about to do his thing!!! Bush did his, let Obama do his!!! Because ultimately God is the one that is in control, Obama does represent this country, whether you like it or not, if you live here then he is representing you So glad he for the last time to YES WE CAN!!!!! Now that you have been thrown a bone and have been offered hope in the form of a Black President you all of a sudden want to act like you are interested in politics? To that I say, N!GGER PLEASE! APPLAUSE APPLAUSE. COPY AND PASTE IT TO CNN AND FOX NEWS, HONEY OKAY? WE DONT CARE. getting a little tart are we? BOTTOM LINE YOU ARE IGNORANT TO STEREOTYPE YOUR PEOPLE. BECAUSE yes, I voted in 2000 and 2004, and have been voting since i was 18 YEARS OLD. i have written letters to both bush and al gore, and i wrote to Obama earliar this year. SO NOW WHAT? stop making again stop stereotyping!!! everyone is NOT jumping on a bandwagon. even the ones that are, STILL MAKE ME proud. WHY? BECAUSE it s still something positive. its a positive bandwagon to jump on. newly registered voters and first time voters is unheard of in this magnitude, thanks to les anges exterminateurs part 1 efforts of the obama campaign and his influence. GIRL, YOU HAVE A ONE TRACK MIND AND YOU REALLY NEED TO BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS. YOU SOUND LIKE AN EDUCATED FOOL THAT WILL NEVER BE ASSUME EVERYONE TO BE THE SAME. THIS IS WHAT HELD BACK THE ELECTION OF A BLACK PRESIDENT. IGNORANCE AND ASSUMPTIONS. EDUCATION CLEARLY HAS NOT HELPED YOU IN THE AREAS OF COMPASSION, INTELLIGENCE, APPEAL, AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS. I SAY THAT BECAUSE, WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO VISIT MEDIA TAKE OUT AS A FORUM TO RAIN ON THE PARADES OF AFRICAN AMERICANS AS THEY CELEBRATE A HISTORICAL MOMENT THAT THE WHOLE WORLD IS BEAMING ABOUT? IF YOU ARE SO EDUCATED AND POLITICAL, WHY NOT VISIT CNN WITH THIS RHETORIC. YOUR ATTEMPT IS TO BELITTLE PEOPLE, THATS WHY!! DONT YOU REALIZE THAT A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF THE WORLD IS CELEBRATING THIS JUST MTO AND US??? AGAIN, WHY ARE YOU HATING ON YOUR OWN PEOPLE????? AS FAR AS THE AVATAR COMMENTS SHOT. 90% OF MTO CHOOSES TO BE INCOGNITO. PERHAPS YOU TO THE ISSUES HONEY, YOU CLEARLY ARE A SORE LOSER. LOL!!! My horizons are broadened. It is you and others who choose to continue to attack me because I do not agree with your politics. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE Not once did I say anything belittling toward you. As a matter of fact I believe I paid you a compliment earlier when I stated you seemed intelligent. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE And please dont speak about respect. This is MTO. people come here to disrespect others and to be disrespected. This is not MSNBC! Free speech! I will continue to speak my mind! If you stick to the issues, so will I. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE I dont get if you dont like the way things are done in the USA, Barack Obama has opened a door for you u look black run for president and see if you get the popular Then change That is once you turn 33?!? But ya delivery on the message you are tryna get across is sooo wack, nobody is gonna respect But MTO is a good place to start Im done It was a historical night. To see the sea of ethnicities at the park was spectacular. Now thats what America is about. As for some blacks changing bad behavior, it would be nice for some to emulate Obama as a role model husband, father citizen. However, until their parents and their communities stand up, many black communities will continue to decay. Theres nothing we can do about that. I am still so overcome with emotion that I cant even verbalize the jubilation in my soul.

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