Fatal attractions full episodes

Fatal attractions full episodes These days, Vargas sends her children to school every day with bottled water which is what her family drinks at home, too. She also recently stopped cooking with tap water when she learned boiling nitrates can concentrate them, making them more potent. Nitrates are a salt theyre a byproduct of fertilizer, dairy farms, and leaky septic tanks. They often leach into groundwater. State records show over the last fifteen years, nitrates have contaminated public drinking water sources for more than two million Californians in both urban and rural areas. Although cities are required to remove nitrates before they reach the tap, many communities dont have access to that kind of cleanup technology. Thats true in rural Tulare County, where the Vargas family lives. Pointing to the rows of orange and olive trees that surround her property, Ana Vargas says it makes her mad that farmers dont have any rules limiting how much fertilizer they can put on their land. They have to think about whos living around the fields, and whos drinking the water thats contaminated by what they feed their plants, she says. In 2008, California farmers applied 855, 000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer to farmland across the state. Depending on the crop, scientists say plants can take up less than half that fertilizer, leaving the rest to evaporate or seep into the ground. What has happened is that as that fertilizer use has increased, the concentrations in the groundwater have increased, says Karen Burow, a scientist with the US Geological Survey in Sacramento. Burow has found that most of the nitrate concentration from fertilizer applied over the last 50 to 60 years is affecting groundwater in shallower private wells, like the one the Vargases use. But nitrates are starting to leach down further to the deeper groundwater that supplies municipalities and cities. So we fatal attractions full episodes seeing increases deeper in the system, and the question will be, how long is it going to take until that really high concentration of water gets down deeper in the system, and are we going to effectively fill up the bathtub with nitrate concentrations? says Burow. Problems with nitrates could get worse as Californias population swells. Were growing at a pace of about a half a million a year, so were looking at a population of 50 million by somewhere mid-century, predicts Ellen Hanak of the nonprofit think tank the Public Policy Institute of California. Hanaks research focuses on how the state will meet its water needs. Hanks continues, About half of that growth is going to be in the inland areas, including San Joaquin Valley, Inland Empire, and Sacramento Valley. All places that rely heavily on groundwater. So far, regulators havent done much to force farmers and the industry to clean up nitrates. State and regional water boards almost never issue fines or shut down farms and dairies found responsible for nitrate pollution. State water regulators say nitrates are not as urgent a priority as other fatal attractions full episodes that cause severe health effects, like perchlorate or dry cleaning chemicals. Darrin Polhemus, head of the water quality division of the State Water Board, defends the inaction: On the scale of things we deal with, while nitrates is certainly a concern, and were managing for it, I dont rank it high up there as something that makes me stay awake at night. But thats no comfort to Ana Vargas. Knowing her well is contaminated means her family must rely on bottled water, because they cant trust one of the most basic necessities the water from their tap. Please ensure that all comments adhere to our community guidelines. We reserve the right to edit or remove comments that do not follow these guidelines.

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