Desperate hours

Desperate hours documentary

The worst thing to do is freak out. Just relax and keep going. There is always value in overcoming a mess up. While your opponent is rapping, you should be figuring out what you are going to say in your next verse. But be careful not to tune your opponent out, because sometimes the insults they say to you can be flipped re-directed as an insult towards the person who said it and used to your advantage. Ordering of the spit is also important to some degree. While you are trying to rebut someone dissing you when you reply back, but when you spit first, you want to take that away. You can do that by self-deprecation. Anyone who can self-criticize can be desperate hours documentary unexpected for the opponent trying to find flaws. Take 8 Miles Final Battle for example, since B-Rabbit was put to spit first, he insulted himself and basically said a big so what?. Yes, Im white, Im a bum, I live in a trailer, my mums a drug, thus basically taking every possible insult directed at him away from Papa Doc before Papa has anything to fight back. Then B-Rabbit dissed Papa Doc for being a private-schooler, then he closed out his turn by saying this battle is pointless, Here, tell these people something they dont know about me. Use humor in your rhymes, especially if your opponent is dead serious, that will make them mess up and possibly crack up. If you can get your opponent to agree with you during your battle verse, you are making great strides towards a win. Just stay focused and be confident in what your saying. Remember delivery is everything. There are two types of battles, free style and thought out, now. A battle may go longer than you thought so just remember to practice and bring out words out of the to write the lyrics that are thought out when youre angry or hyper, energy puts words on paper. Dont say anything that is unrelated to the person, and dont say your going to kill them or that you sell drugs if you dont. Even if the opponent is not using pre-writtens, say that he is using them. Create some uncertainty in the crowd. Dont look down, when you look down you show that you are getting beat, stay looking into his eyes, but not like you are hard and youre gonna hit him, cause chances are he will hit you. You should prefer facts and actualities in your freestyle rap battle, they will reduce your opponents self-confidence. If you had made pre-writtens dont think too far ahead of yourself. Thinking ahead may make you bring up lines from, say desperate hours documentary second verse, thus bringing up the problem of you repeating that line in the second verse because you had spit it before. Just take your time and go with the flow. Make your opponent feel embarrassed, for example by saying something about his hair. Dont get down on yourself if you dont win the first few times, you have to practice, nobodys good when they are just starting Smash them with punchlines. Lyricism is important, but usually three or four punchlines will make sure you win.

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