Biker boyz movie part 4 INCLUDING wayne

Biker boyz movie part 4

INCLUDING wayne. YOUU obviuosly haven t heard shit from eminem because his songs touch on TEN TIMES more then that. don t ever try to compare weezy to em there is no comparison and as soon as your boy wayne fights back. that will be obvious. fuk u nigger. nd ur president is def arab u dumb mother fucker. quite thinking every white person is out to get you damn man its so sad to read how ignorant people are how can you say all white people aren t out to get blacks when you stoop to the level of calling a black a nigger? And to the comment above yours that said cracker you are being ignorant too, this is the kind of behavior that keeps racism alive. Now I see why I m going to an ivy league school and why you are both stuck playing the race game with each other. Lil Wayne and Eminem are both good rappers and if they are trying to beef they are ignorant as well they should be biker boyz movie part 4 together to rid the world of rappers like soulja boy. tom your a fucking idiot u white trash rascist redneck talkin shit over a damn computer go say nigger to the first fuckin black dude u see and ur shit will be spilled quick. fucking dumbass just mad cause old bitchass pecker wood mccain aint win too bad obamas half black half white stupid fuck not arab u fuckin queer bitch come on down to b town so we can spill ur shit faggot I m in no way, shape or form raciest, But we all see how well Obama s done as a president, He s a pussy, 8 Monthes in office and we get attacked, Fort Hood was a terrorist attack, Bush got attacked and recognized it as terrorism and it didnt happen again, Obama is scared wont call it what it is because he dont wanna look bad, That s some hoe ass shit, and for the Eminem Vs Wayne, Eminem Kills Wayne, Pay back muthafucka for the way you got at me, how does it taste? When I slap the taste outta your mouth with the bass so loud that it shakes the place, Hannabil Lector, So just incase your thinkin of savin face, you aint gonna have no face to save by the time I m through with this place Josie who the fuck are you to call obama a fucking pussy, you best just keep your fucking bitch dick sucking mouth shut, you cunt bitch, how dare you call our president a pussy, and I m guessing because he is black, keep your fucking racist comments to your self you fucking racist, and how the fuck did obama get into this, and you white people complain when we are racist, man you fucking redneck need to keep your mouth shut, and besides i could call bush a pussy for fucking up the country and giving that big bailout to aig, making it even harder for obama, so before you talk and sound like a fucking illiterate person, think about it you racist bitch. by the way josie, i did not mean all rednecks should shut up, just your bitch ass, disgrace to all the non-racist white people and by the way em kills little wayne, weezy good in his own right, but em is just You need to chill out man. You are extremely upset with her for insulting Obama because he is black. He is half black and half muslim by the way. You are doing the same thing to her in a much, much more insulting way. Practice what you preach. Lil Wayne sucks. He cant touch Eminem. Thay boy can flow. Wayne is slow. Later i agree man. i respect both but eminem is just the best for me men and weezy zhouldnt be joking like that he should respect wat ems done but i think that be great if they do make a song toghether once i gurantee everyone would talk bout it STUPID DUMB N!GGAZ GOING IN CIRCLES, A J3RK CIRCLE EMINEM IS BETTER. BUT WAYNE IS MY FAVOURITE RAPPER FOR REAL AFTER EM S FIRST ALBUM IT WAS HARD FOR ANY N1GGA TO TRY AND TOP THAT SALES AND WYANE BROKE THAT WEEKLY SALES RECORDS ATLEAST YEAH A DRUGGY OR WHAT NOT AND EM TOO BUT THEY ARE BOTH GENUIS S LOOK AT IT THIS WAY IF EM WERE BLACK HE WOULD OF SOLD HALF HE SAYS SO HIMSELF. AND HE SAYS HIS SKIN IS WORKING TO HIS ADVANTAGE SO WHY THE PHUKK ARGUE BOUT WHOS BETTER OR NOT. HAVE A OPEN EAR LIKE A MUSICIAN AND LISTEN TO BOTH. BOTH BRILLIANT unbelievable. its amazing if you listen and you dont have to listen closely lil wayne is one of the worst rappers period. his flow is a lil biker boyz movie part 4 stagnant. he has alot of energy and seems hungry but hes way off. If you name all of the top rappers vs. lil wayne he will lose lyrically every time 100%. seriously. You need not to get a clue because you need to find one.

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